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Africa’s Leading Healthtech Company - IDoctorAccess-

Patient Consent Launch

We are excited to announce that we are making some updates to our consent management framework, which will come into effect from February 16, 2023.

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The state of health techs

As African countries face similar healthcare challenges, health techs are evolving in comparable but unique ways across the continent.

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Maximising the Value of Health Data

The Health Data Governance Principles are the first global set of principles to guide the use of data in health systems.

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Maternal Mortality in Nigeria

As global and local organizations respond to the call to action to address maternal mortality,

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How will a COVID-19 vaccine be rolled out in Nigeria?

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John Doe
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iDoctorAccess Credit- The Money ‘Virus’

Are all viruses really bad? Some interesting studies show how beneficial viruses can be.

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IDoctorAccess software usage

Our software is very user friendly so everyone can use it easily.

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Dolor lorem eos dolor duo et eirmod sea. Dolor sit magna rebum clita rebum dolor stet amet justo

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