3 Ways a Data-Driven, Digital Approach Can Improve Kenya’s Healthcare

In Kenya, international health bodies, the Ministry of Health, member-based organisations such as the Kenya Healthcare Federation (KHF), the public and private health sector, and other healthcare bodies now use digital systems or partial digital systems, but this data still needs to be analysed effectively and understood for users to draw actionable conclusions from it.

Systems that record and analyse the data allow healthcare personnel to access complete medical history at a glance to provide more efficient care to patients. An EMR System, which is a digitized version of paper records in hospitals and clinics, makes it easier to access a patient’s file or to share information between different specialist departments or hospitals. With a few keystrokes, an authorised nurse or doctor can pull out a patient’s record going back years at a time and a good EMR organizes that data so that all the vital information, which includes demographics, medical history, allergies, laboratory test results etc. can be picked up in seconds.

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John Doe
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John Doe 01 Jan 2045

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John Doe 01 Jan 2045

Diam amet duo labore stet elitr invidunt ea clita ipsum voluptua, tempor labore accusam ipsum et no at. Kasd diam tempor rebum magna dolores sed eirmod

John Doe 01 Jan 2045

Diam amet duo labore stet elitr invidunt ea clita ipsum voluptua, tempor labore accusam ipsum et no at. Kasd diam tempor rebum magna dolores sed eirmod

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